The Governors of White Spire School are:

Name   Specific role Committee Dates of office
Mr Neil Griffiths Co-opted Chair FGB Chair Premises and Finance 27.09.18 ‑ 26.09.22
Ms Shanie Jamieson Co-opted Vice Chair   17.03.20 ‑ 16.03.24
Mrs Catherine Burnett Co-opted     06.12.18 ‑ 05.12.22
Mr Ernie Thomas LA Governor Safer Recruitment   25.02.19 ‑ 26.02.23
Mr Finlay Douglas Head Teacher     01.09.14 - 31.08.22
Mrs Barbara McGlory Co-Opted     29.06.19 ‑ 28.06.23
Mrs Tracy Simpson Co-Opted Development
Health and Safety
  26.05.20 ‑ 25.05.24
Derek Stanley Parent Governor Safeguarding
Mental Health
  16.06.16 ‑ 15.06.21
Mrs Nicky Grant Parent Governor     06.12.18 ‑ 05.12.22
Mrs Tanya Stevens Parent Governor     06.12.18 ‑ 05.12.22
Miss Susan Marshall Staff Governor     01.09.19 - 31.09.23
Miss Michelle Bartle Staff Governor     27.09.18 - 26.09.22

All governors are members of both the Staffing and Curriculum Committee and the Premises and Finance Committee.

Pupil discipline, Hearings, Appeals and complaints committees made up of any 3 Governors, not staff

Head teacher Performance Management Chair, Vice Chair and Derek Stanley

Pay Committee Chair, Vice Chair and Derek Stanley

Meetings are also attended by Michelle Bartle, Deputy Head and Geraldine Osborn, Chief Financial Officer.

Previous governors in last 12 months   Date resigned/ End of Term of office
Mrs Kelly Poulter Parent 24.10.18 ‑ 07.18
Mr Paul Burnham Co-opted 17.03.18
Ms Carol Fordham   Resigned
Mrs Liz Manning Co-opted Resigned


All Governors can be contacted via White Spire School on 01908 373266