Our vibrant curriculum is the vehicle through which our pupils learn the skills, knowledge and understanding of the subjects outlined in the National Curriculum, matched to their level and ability. Options are given in Key Stage 4 and 5.

Core Subjects -
English (Literacy), Mathematics (Numeracy) and Science.

Foundation Subjects -
Art, French (taught through topic and events), Humanities, ICT Music, PE, PSHCE, Religious Education, Technology.

Vocational Subjects -
ASDAN PSD, ASDAN PP, Construction, Duke of Edinburgh, Enterprise, Forest Schools, Gardening, Hairdressing.

At Key Stage 2/3 a topic based curriculum is followed which enables our pupils to link ideas and skills. They develop a greater understanding of subjects and begin the process of learning how to learn. Pupils up to and including Year 7 follow a robust phonics programme called Read Write Inc. Details can be found on the following link:


Vocational Subjects -

ASDAN PSD, ASDAN PP, Employability, Construction, Duke of Edinburgh, Enterprise, Gardening, Hairdressing , Art, Performing Art and IT

Foundation Subjects -
Art, French (taught through topic and events), Humanities, ICT, Performing Arts, PE, PSHCE, Religious Education, Technology.


At Key Stage 4 pupils are allocated onto one of three pathways based on their academic and social ability. The accredited courses are selected for their relevance and suitability for our pupils. Positive outcomes are vital for our pupils’ growth and success. They are able to select two options in this Key Stage continuing their journey towards independence. At Key Stage 5 we consolidate all previous learning and provide an exciting curriculum designed to equip our pupils with pertinent life skills. They have targeted work experience fully meeting their needs. We offer an abundance of short courses specifically aimed at directing our pupils towards relevant college or employment prospects. The Key Stage 5 common room allows softer skills to be nurtured and developed. All Key Stages are taught in cycles as year groups are mixed together. Key Stages 2-4 are two year cycles and Key Stage 5 is a three year cycle. Key Stage 5 pupils may leave at any point within the three years and still gain accreditation for the work they have completed. This flexible approach allows our pupils to move on when they feel the confidence to do so.

We are honoured to provide our pupils with the self-assurance to be truly independent.

Downloadable copies of year plans are available in the Documents section of our website.
Please click here to view them.